Common Questions
How long do dogs live?
The average lifespan of a dog is usually between 10 - 14 Years. In general, smaller dog breeds live longer than their larger counterparts. A dog with proper food, adequate exercise and stress free active life tends to live long.
What is the duration of dog's pregnancy?
Normal gestation period in dogs is between 58 - 68 days from conception, although this can vary. Toy breeds may deliver a few days earlier while large breeds often deliver later.
What are the signs of a pregnant dog?
In the first few weeks, there are very few signs, so one may not notice any significant changes. A pregnant bitch may seem tired, and she may eat less than usual. Some dogs throw up occasionally. If you think your dog is pregnant, take her to your vet. It's a good idea to take her to a vet for a prenatal checkup 2 to 3 weeks after mating. If your dog requires any tests, your vet will let you know. During your visit, your vet may order a blood test and can also use ultrasound to see the growing puppies as early as 3 weeks of gestation.
How old should a puppy be when you take it home?
Eight weeks of age has been widely accepted as the optimal time to acquire a new puppy. By eight weeks, primary vaccination and deworming are usually completed and sufficient socialization has taken place with mother and litter mates to tide the puppy over until he/she is old enough to safely meet and play with other dogs and people.
How to house train a puppy?
House training a puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The aim is to make him/her learn good habits and build a loving bond with him/her. It usually takes 4 to 6 months for a puppy to be fully house trained, but some puppies may take up to one year. And while you're training, don’t worry if there are setbacks. As long as you follow a fixed training program that includes taking puppy out at the first sign he needs to go and offering him rewards, he/she will learn gradually. For more information, please click here.
What are the ideal food for a growing puppy?
Most puppies are weaned at 6 to 8 weeks of age, after which they leave their mothers and eat solid food. Puppies grow 15 to 20 times faster than adult dogs and so require a special diet to aid their physical development. A 2 months old puppy should be eating four meals per day of a good quality puppy food or a balanced home cooked food. Puppy food is designed specifically for the nutritional needs of young and still growing dogs, with twice the daily nutritional requirements that a mature dog requires. Feed your puppy four meals a day up until the age of four months, and then reduce its feed to three meals a day until it is six months old, when you can change to two meals a day, and keep it on this regime for the rest of its life. Read dogs food and nutrition for more information. Click here to see our recommended dog foods.
How often should I bathe and groom my puppy/dog?
Bathing is generally required when a dog has an unpleasant odour or they have accumulated dirt or mud on their coat. Unless a dog has skin problems, there is no specific need to bathe the dog though bathing your dog when needed is an important part of general pet care. I recommend you bathe a dog with normal skin once a month with good dog shampoo and dog conditioner. For dogs with certain skin conditions, bathing may be part of their medical treatment plan as recommended by the vet.

Grooming is an important aspect of dog's care and well-being. Like humans, good grooming includes proper combing of hair/fur, brushing of teeth, clipping nails, cleaning ears etc. Proper hair trimming is also a part of dog care. Long hair that are not maintained are particularly susceptible to matting. Regular grooming also help some breeds to shed less fur. Pet owners should groom their dogs at least 2 to 3 times a week. Read this article to learn how to groom a dog properly (stepwise). Check out some recommended grooming product for your dogs.
How much exercise is required for a healthy dog?
Dogs are built for activity. Big or small, young or old, dogs need to exercise daily. Without activity, a dog will become bored, frustrated and unhealthy. Exercise tones the muscles, helps the body and metabolic system to function properly, and engages the mind. Exercise needs are based on a dog’s age, breed, size and overall health. A healthy dog normally requires at least 30 minutes to one hour of exercise/activity every day. Regular exercise can help your dog avoid arthritis and other problems with his/her joints later on in life. Dogs are also prone to the same types of obesity-related illnesses as humans, so exercise is crucial to helping them keep off the pounds. Puppies also need exercise for mental stimulation. Moving around keeps them from becoming bored and mischievous.
Does a dog’s wagging tail mean he/she is happy?
A dog’s tail can inform you a lot about how they are feeling. A slow wag from side to side means the dog feels relaxed and content. More frequent wagging with hip movements means the dog is very happy or saying hello to a loved one. If the tail is straight up, it is a sign of confidence or aggression. A down and curled tail between the legs usually shows fear or submission.
Why do dogs sniff each other's rears?
Dogs usually sniff rear ends of eachother as their way of asking, 'Who are you and how have you been?' Dogs and other canines can find out a whole lot of information from just a whiff. The secretions released by glands in the rump tell other animals things like the dog’s gender, diet, and mood.

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